Analysis — CERN Connection to Korean MV “Not Today” by BTS

Brynada, 8 March 2017

While I am a Korean music fan, I am slow to jump on each and every new MV. Often, it will take YouTube to keep pushing it in my feed before I break down and click to view. I finally broke down and so I clicked on Not Today by BTS, out of curiosity. During my first view this week, I was struck by some of the symbolism. A YouTuber, DreamTeller, gives a pretty great psychological analysis to this same video. Don’t worry — just turn on English subtitles. I, however, went in a completely different direction and couldn’t help but to give them my two cents’ analysis.

Below the following video, I have provided a direct quote of my analysis which I had written within the comment portion of their MV.

THEORY: Some parts of this make me think of Illuminati/CERN/Lucifer — such as: At 0:46 when he’s walking in that dark place, down a specified path, which could represent a tunnel. There is light at the end of the tunnel. He is clearly walking away from the light towards darkness. At 0:52, he starts to raise his arms like wings. At 0:58, he is in the middle of the group of people in black — which could represent dark or lost souls. At 1:06, he raises his arms again, this time showing he is in control as they begin to start moving at his whim. Then there is the triangle formation at 1:17, 1:33 Saying We are Extra but not still part of this world (after analyzing the rest of the song) I have come to think of as like stating (in conjunction with my analysis) that it is like saying Lucifer & his fallen angels got trapped on Earth so they are saying they are different but part of this world. Extra-terrestrial is like saying originating from outside of Earth, so here Extra could be similar, that the origin is not of here, but is now here. Part of this world instead of OF this world is also an interesting word choice which lends itself to my theory on that part. Also the part where in the English translation at 1:40 the mention of light breaking through darkness (Lucifer is known as the lightbringer) the reference to wanting a New World at 1:46, also when ya’ll be dancing on that shiny circle at 3:15 like how they do in that one CERN/Illuminati video when they seem to be trying to bring back Lucifer. Now that I bring up the particle accellerator, the LHC from CERN, it is interesting that they did that shiny ice circle dance and you did too. I say that because at 3:28 for a second, it looks like could be particles accelerating in the front left of the screen, even though I’m assuming its gunshots? Then its followed up by the, Ready, Aim, Fire at 3:32 — which could completely go along with that since CERN will be firing up the LHC in I think April. Then, immediately following that is the triangle again at 3:33 on the shiny circle representing this time the sky while making it looking like ya’ll flying like dark angels. At 3:38 again with the particles/shots, while singing never kneel down — which is said Lucifer refused to submit to humans. At 3:51 when the particles/shots are fired again and then at 3:56 with the reference to breaking the glass ceiling that locks you up. Its widely theorized that CERN is using the LHC to open a gateway for Lucifer to break free from his prison. 4:05 is interesting…also 4:25 with it going from light to dark, and the particles now like fire. Its a great video though 😇

For you K-Pop fans, or newbies — if you enjoyed Not Today by BTS, check out their MV Blood Sweat & Tears. Another one I may do an analysis on since it has Luciferian undertones — only a little more obvious.

*Please note: when you hear Extra in association with K-Pop, it is usually just to describe a person as being silly, out there, strange, etc. from — what I have noticed. Namely — different, in a good way.*

Questions & Comments Welcomed!